How to Link CSS to HTML

The Tech Platform
6 min readFeb 1, 2023


Linking CSS to HTML refers to the process of connecting a CSS file to an HTML document, allowing the HTML document to use the styles defined in the CSS file. The CSS file contains styles for elements, classes, and IDs in the HTML document and the linked styles will be applied to the HTML document when it is rendered by a browser.

There are three methods to link CSS to HTML:

  1. External Style Sheet
  2. Internal Style Sheet
  3. Inline Style

1. External Style Sheet:

An external style sheet is a separate file that contains all the CSS styles for an HTML document. The external style sheet is linked to the HTML document using the <link> tag in the <head> section of the HTML document. This allows you to apply the same styles to multiple HTML documents by linking to the same external style sheet, making it easier to maintain and update the styles across your website.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<!-- Your HTML content goes here -->

Advantages of using an External Style Sheet:

  1. Reusability: The same external style sheet can be linked to multiple HTML documents, allowing you to reuse styles across your website. This makes it easier to maintain and update the styles across your website.
  2. Improved Performance: An external style sheet is loaded once and cached by the browser, which improves the performance of subsequent page loads.
  3. Better organization: By keeping the CSS styles in a separate file, it helps to keep your HTML documents cleaner and more organized, making it easier to maintain and update the styles.
  4. Easy to maintain: Having all the styles in one place makes it easier to maintain and update the styles across your website.

Disadvantages of using an External Style Sheet:

  1. Increased load time: Linking to an external style sheet means an additional HTTP request for the CSS file, which could increase the load time for the page.
  2. Can be slow for small sites: For smaller websites with just a few pages, the overhead of an external style sheet can be slow, and an internal style sheet or inline styles might be a better option.
  3. Linking failure: If the link to the external style sheet is broken or the CSS file is not found, the styles will not be applied to the HTML document, leading to a poor user experience.

2. Internal Style Sheet:

An internal style sheet is a CSS style block that is placed within the <head> section of an HTML document, using the <style> tag. An internal style sheet is used to apply styles to a single HTML document, and it can only be used by that document.

Here is an example of how to use an internal style sheet in an HTML document:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<style>/* Your CSS styles go here */body
background-color: lightgray;
h1 {
color: blue;
<!-- Your HTML content goes here -->

In this example, the <style> tag contains the CSS styles, and these styles will be applied to the HTML document when it is rendered by a browser. The styles in an internal style sheet have higher priority than external style sheets, so if there are conflicting styles, the styles in the internal style sheet will be used. However, it’s recommended to use external style sheets for most cases as they are easier to maintain and provide better performance.

Advantages of using an internal style sheet:

  1. Easy to use: You can quickly and easily add styles to an HTML document without having to create and link to an external CSS file.
  2. Higher priority: Styles in an internal style sheet have higher priority than external style sheets, so if there are conflicting styles, the styles in the internal style sheet will be used.

Advantages of using an internal style sheet:

  1. Limited scope: An internal style sheet can only be used by the HTML document it is in, so it’s not as flexible as an external style sheet in terms of reusing styles across multiple HTML documents.
  2. Harder to maintain: If you have multiple HTML documents that need the same styles, you’ll need to copy and paste the styles into each HTML document, making it harder to maintain and update the styles.
  3. Increases file size: An internal style sheet increases the size of the HTML document, making it slower to download and potentially affecting performance.

3. Inline Style:

Inline styles are CSS styles that are applied directly to an HTML element using the style attribute. Inline styles take precedence over both internal and external styles, so if there are conflicting styles, the inline styles will be used.

Here is an example of how to use an inline style in an HTML document:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Your internal or external styles go here -->
<!-- Your HTML content goes here -->
<p style="color: blue;">This is a blue paragraph.</p>

In this example, the inline style is applied directly to the <p> element using the style attribute. The CSS style color: blue; sets the text color of the paragraph to blue.

Advantages of using inline styles:

  1. High priority: Inline styles have the highest priority of all the methods for linking CSS to HTML, so if there are conflicting styles, the inline styles will be used.
  2. Easy to apply: You can quickly and easily apply styles to an HTML element without having to create and link to an external CSS file.

Advantages of using inline styles:

  1. Limited scope: Inline styles can only be used by the HTML element they are applied to, so they are not as flexible as external style sheets in terms of reusing styles across multiple HTML elements.
  2. Harder to maintain: If you have multiple HTML elements that need the same styles, you’ll need to copy and paste the styles into each HTML element, making it harder to maintain and update the styles.
  3. Increases file size: Inline styles increase the size of the HTML document, making it slower to download and potentially affecting performance.
  4. Violates separation of concerns: Inline styles violate the separation of concerns principle, which states that the presentation should be separated from the content and structure of an HTML document. This makes it harder to maintain and update the styles.

In general, it’s recommended to avoid using inline styles and instead use external style sheets, as they provide better performance, maintainability, and organization. Inline styles should only be used in specific cases where they are necessary, such as for styling specific HTML elements that need to override styles from an external style sheet.


All three methods will link CSS to HTML and allow you to apply styles to the HTML document. However, it is generally recommended to use the external style sheet method for best practices in terms of code separation and maintainability.

Frequently Asked Question

Question 1: What is the correct way to link a CSS file to an HTML document? Answer: The correct way to link a CSS file to an HTML document is to add a <link> element in the <head> section of the HTML document, with the href attribute pointing to the URL of the CSS file and the rel attribute set to “stylesheet”.

Question 2: Can I link multiple CSS files to the same HTML document? Answer: Yes, you can link multiple CSS files to the same HTML document by adding multiple <link> elements in the <head> section of the HTML document.

Question 3: What happens if there are conflicting styles in multiple CSS files linked to the same HTML document? Answer: If there are conflicting styles in multiple CSS files linked to the same HTML document, the styles from the last linked CSS file will take precedence.

Question 4: Can I use both internal and external styles in the same HTML document? Answer: Yes, you can use both internal and external styles in the same HTML document by adding both an internal style sheet and an external style sheet to the HTML document. The styles in the internal style sheet will take precedence over the styles in the external style sheet.

Question 5: What are the advantages of using an external style sheet over an internal style sheet? Answer: The advantages of using an external style sheet over an internal style sheet include better performance, easier maintenance, and the ability to reuse styles across multiple HTML documents.

Question 6: What are the disadvantages of using inline styles? Answer: The disadvantages of using inline styles include increased file size, harder maintenance, and a violation of the separation of concerns principle.

Question 7: When should I use inline styles? Answer: You should use inline styles in specific cases where they are necessary, such as for styling specific HTML elements that need to override styles from an external style sheet. In general, it’s recommended to avoid using inline styles and instead use external style sheets for better performance, maintainability, and organization.

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